The West Bloomfield school board budget error was addressed at the Board of Education meeting on Oct. 23, 2023 but the issue was from the 2022-23 school year and wasn’t actually amended until June of 2023 which shows how long this ongoing issue was at the forefront amongst this district.
According to a CPA (certified public accountant) with Plante Moran – one of the nation’s largest audit, tax, consulting, and wealth management firms – the overage was “due to one new piece of state funding that came in through the state of Michigan. Most K-12 districts received it…it’s a one-time state supplemental payment that the district got. It was about $3.8 million” (Chris Kassab, Plante Moran).
This is has been such a long standing issue that it has drawn the attention of at least one parent from the district, and not in a good way. Wavering faith amongst families in the district is the root of many issues and definitely won’t be helpful nor supportive in this situation.
The recommendation from Plante Moran to avoid this situation in the future is to be aware of new categoricals that the state control and how they effect the budgets.
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