Voter Sentiments and Key Issues Around the 2024 Presidential Election

(Curation assignment)

The political landscape is shifting as the 2024 U.S. presidential election comes closer due to a variety of concerns and voter emotions. This compilation of resources offers insight into the important issues and viewpoints affecting voting choices.

1. Voter Concerns and Election Sentiments: Politico explores voter opinion and the key topics that could impact the outcome of the election in their own in-depth study. Social justice, international policy, and economic policy are some of the subjects covered.

2. Impact of the Ukraine and Gaza Wars on U.S. Politics: The New York Times examines how the views of voters and U.S. foreign policy debates among presidential contenders are impacted by the ongoing wars in Gaza and Ukraine.  NYT – Foreign Policy in Elections

3. Trump’s Legal Challenges and Voter Reactions: The Washington Post provides a unique perspective on how legal issues  can damage former President Donald Trump’s voting prospects by offering an in-depth examination of his legal problems and their impact on his supporters and competitors. Washington Post – Trump’s Legal Battles

4. Age and Experience of Presidential Candidates: CNN looks into how voters address the experience and age of candidates like Donald Trump and Joe Biden, focusing on issues of leadership in the face of domestic and international issues. CNN – Candidates’ Age and Experience

5. Election Integrity and Voter Confidence: NPR covers the ways in which candidates are addressing concerns about voter confidence and election integrity, as well as the steps being suggested to guarantee a safe and secure voting process. NPR – Election Integrity NPR Example

6. Economic Policies and Voter Impact: Bloomberg goes over how different groups are responding to the economic ideas put forth by presidential campaigns, with a focus on taxation, employment, and healthcare in particular. Bloomberg – Economic Policies

7. Social Media Influences: The Guardian’s analysis explains how candidates are utilizing social media channels to sway public opinion, get more support, and refute false information. The Guardian – Social Media and Elections 

8. Candidate Debates and Public Perception: Videos of major debates are available on YouTube, which highlight important moments that have the ability to  significantly influenced public opinion. YouTube Presidential Debates 

9. Voter Mobilization Efforts: On many social media sources, one being twitter, many campaigns show strategies to gain voters and support. This includes displaying their goals and what they have done so far. I have linked the twitter search that may show some campaigns, and below is an example of one that may appear on your feed. Twitter – Campaign Strategies

10. Voter Trends and Demographic Shifts: The Atlantic offers critical analysis of new voting patterns and changes that may influence the outcome of the election. Their analysis explores how the political landscape in  swing states may be reshaped in 2024 due to shifting voter attitudes and population trends. The Atlantic – Voter Trends and Demographics 

Hopefully this curated list will allow voters and spectators to gain a more clear understanding of the dynamics at play within politics. All in all, this list presents a comprehensive picture of the key themes impacting the 2024 presidential election.

mohammadjawad bazzi

Hello, My name is Mohammadjawad Bazzi. I'm a freshman in my second semester at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. My major is software engineering.