Visuals and Trends: Third-grade M-step Scores (FPS)

Below is a grouped column chart of third-grade M-Step test scores in Farmington School District. Each labeled elementary school represents the third-grade M-Step scoring of each year. Compared to overall third graders’ M-Step testing, Hillside Elementary has the highest overall test scores for 2017-18 and 2020-21. The lower-testing elementary schools are J.A. Lanigan Elementary and Wood Creek Elementary.

The statewide third-grade M-Step scores are consistent throughout the eight years of collected data. Even though statewide data is more consistent, it is among the lowest M-Step scores.

Looking at the "stair graph" visually represents the consistency across the eight years among all elementary schools. Each elementary school shows the consistency for each year and where the M-Step score plummets.

Hillside Elementary, in the stair graph above, shows a constant increase in test scores. Wood Creek Elementary is also increasing in third-grade test scores. The other three Elementary schools are steadily going down in scores. Overall, Hillside Elementary is above all elementary schools and statewide third-grade M-Step scores.

Asia Waters

Hi, my name is Asia! I am currently a second year student at University of Michigan Dearborn. I am majoring in Criminology. I like to listen to music, and binge watch TV shows.