Teacher shortages continue to rise nationwide. There are many reasons, but the end result is that the country’s education system and students will suffer from the lack of teachers.
When we talk about the education system, the conversation often revolves around students and curriculum. Without question, students are one of the most critical components of any education system. If there are no students, the system becomes irrelevant.
However, as important as students are to the system, there is another component that is just as critical: Teachers. Without teachers, the system becomes both stagnant and ultimately ineffective.
Over the past few years, there has been a significant decline in teachers across the country. Education Week reported that there are approximately 55,000 vacant positions in the country which is an increase by 19,000 vacant positions in the previous year.
Highlighting the importance of this topic, there are multiple reports and articles from major news organizations, as well as academics. These reports highlight the causes, concerns, and potential solutions to the ongoing problem.
Here are several articles that attest to the seriousness of teacher shortages in the nation.
Ann Arbor Public Schools approves teacher layoffs to help with budget shortfalls (wxyz.com)
Ann Arbor moms worry as teacher layoffs loom across MI due to budget shortfall (wxyz.com)
Frustrated by teacher shortages, Michigan educators offer their solutions | Bridge Michigan
CMU aims to remedy Michigan’s rural teacher shortage | Central Michigan University (cmich.edu)
Michigan doesn’t have enough teachers. It could get worse. – mlive.com
Law could ease teacher shortage, but bigger response needed, says union (michiganpublic.org)
What Will Teacher Shortages Look Like in 2024 and Beyond? A Researcher Weighs In (edweek.org)
Teacher shortages is a cause for concern in any society since they are responsible for the education of society’s future teachers, doctors, public servants, military, line workers, CEOs, and political leaders. In fact, the author of every article curated above was influenced by a teacher at some point in their life.
The major question is, can the education system bounce back from the current decline in teachers across the country? Only time will tell, but with so much care, concern and attention on the issue, there is hope.