North Farmington High School General information

North Farmington High school is located at 32900 W 13 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48334. It was founded in 1961. This year the men’s varsity basketball team lost to Orchard Lake St. Mary’s in the division 1 state championship. It was the first time in school history that the men’s basketball team had made it that far.

North Farmington High School has a student enrollment of 1268. Their student/teacher ratio is 16.55. For the 2022-2023 school year, the freshman class had 309 students, sophomore class had 333 students, junior class had 315 students, and senior class had 311 students. There are 631 males and 637 females. 380 of the students are eligible for free lunch or a reduced-price lunch.

Cameron Rossman

I am a junior at the University of Michigan Dearborn. I am majoring in integrative studies with a triple minor in information systems management security, journalism and media production, and communications.