Multimedia Journalism: Have some fun here!

Whether you decide to write, do podcasts, create video or practice infographics, this blog can be your playground. I hope you take advantage of it and try all kinds of fun things. Here are a few ideas.

Write! You can simply write something, but don’t forget your contextual links to other content, such as a great article you’d like to share.

Here’s one I loved this week, from the Washington Post, about the housing market. I especially loved the graphics in this one.

Video or audio

OR, try embedding a video. It’s easy. Just click on the little “plus” and search for video, then add the URL. Or, you can embed your own video by uploading it to the media library.

This is an example of how you can add audio. From spotify, Apple podcasts …. or your own audio file. I particularly liked this episode of This American Life, with Ira Glass, which illustrates storytelling in so many great ways.

Add a photo … or a gallery

This is an image from an Instagram post from the Washington Post. You will see after this that you can actually embed a post as well! Much better.

Social media posts

Nancy Hanus

Nancy Hanus is an journalism instructor at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. She has been a journalist, educator and media specialist for more than 35 years, working at publications from The Detroit News to Crain's Detroit Business.

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