Final Blog: The skills I learned through Multimedia Journalism

Through this class, I explored a diverse array of topics. Each topic came with its own advantage, and I came out of each assignment with a new skill learned. The class allowed me to understand and take advantage of modern-day sources and technology.

Whether it be the multi-part deep-dive assignments or the blogs, I seemed to always learn something new in this class. I learned an especially useful skill called embedding, which will definitely be useful in the future. I plan to use that in job applications, resumes, and more.

Each topic I chose in my timeline was something that was important to me. It was difficult creating the timeline, but I ended up choosing to present my information in a more informational manner. I wrote details about what I learned and how the assignment helped me learn that skill. Overall, the timeline showcases the key lessons and skills I developed throughout the course.

mohammadjawad bazzi

Hello, My name is Mohammadjawad Bazzi. I'm a freshman in my second semester at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. My major is software engineering.