“Dzien Dobry” is Polish for Hello

This time last year, May 2023 I was set to embark on a true journey of a lifetime. From early May 2023 to late June 2023, I and a few of my peers from the University of Michigan Dearborn bound together to study abroad in Gdansk Poland.

This photo was taken during my flight to Europe, I flew from Detroit Michigan to Frankfort Germany, then Frankfort Germany to Gdansk Poland. All of this travel with a layover amounted to a total of 18 hours travel time.

(Photo Credit: Arrianna Moneta)

This photo was taken my first day in Gdansk, though we were all extremely jet lagged, five of the six of us decided to take a trip to the Baltic Sea and start to familiar ourselves with the area.

(Photo Credit: Scott Riggs)

As the days began to pass, I was continually astounded by the incredible architecture that makes up the beautiful city of Gdansk. This photo shows one of the many buildings that are present at the University of Gdansk where my peers and I studied.

(Photo Credit: Zachary Fusinski)

Our Polish history class was a class like none other, through this class, we had the opportunity to be part of guided history tours throughout the city. In this kayak tour we learned how important the sea has been for the city, and how it has been a strong source of trade for decades.

(Photo Credit: Paul Drous)

During this Polish history class, we built community gardens for a lower income area of Gdansk. In doing so we were able to meet some of the locals and help improve the community by creating more opportunity for fresh fruits and vegetables.

(Photo Credit: Eva Schwark)

Another aspect of life the Polish take extremely seriously is their coffee, it seems as though one cannot walk two city blocks without stumbling upon yet another cafe. And similar to Americans the Polish enjoy specialty coffee. Each shop had a great variety of options at extremely reasonable prices.

(Photo Credit: Arrianna Moneta)

Polish nightlife ranges greatly based on each individual’s taste. In Gdansk there were endless options including but not limited to fine dining, events, bars and clubs, this photo was taken at one of our favorites. Not far from our hotel was this British ran bar that hosted trivia every Thursday night. We made this a weekly past time making sure to be present to compete against the locals.

(Photo Credit: Eva Schwark)

The legal drinking age in Poland is 18, therefor much of the nightlife is spearheaded by the young people, nightclubs in Gdansk open late and stay open later. Many nights my friends and I would not return home until after the clubs closed at 5am.

(Photo Credit: Zachary Fusinski)

This photo was taken at one of the universities events called Polytechnica, which was massive music festival put on for students by the university. These big parties by the university are a standard practice in Gdansk and are extremely popular with the students and community.

(Photo Credit: Arrianna Moneta)

Gdansk Poland was an adventure that will remain in the forefront of my mind for life. I encourage student’s and others alike to explore the world and learn more about other cultures other than our own. Poland offered beautiful experiences with amazing people and opened my eyes to new worldwide opportunities. Further Poland unlocked a love for travel that I know I will carry with me all my life.

(Photo Credit: Paul Drous)

Arrianna Moneta

Hello! My name is Arrianna Moneta (she/her) I am a Professional Writing major at UM- Dearborn. In my free time I enjoy playing my Ukulele, dancing ballet, finding new movies and music, and spending time with friends. A fun fact about me- I am a cat mom to a two-year-old tabby cat named Meeko that I found in my high school parking lot.